Your trusted partner.

Innovation for small, family-owned farms.

We're bringing technological innovation to the people in agriculture who need it most. Small, family-owned farms.

Increasingly unpredicatable weather patterns, rising costs of production, and a global pandemic have made it harder than ever for small farmers to make a living. We're here to help.

Family first

Family farms account for 98% of all U.S. farms. Small family farms account for 89% of all U.S. farms.

Economic impact

The food and agriculture sector generates more than $700 billion in wages, contributes $7 trillion to the nation's economy, and is responsible for 1/5 of the country's economic activity.

Across the country

As of 2017, the U.S. has over two million farms, accounting for 900 million acres of land and 40% of the country's total land area.


15% of U.S. farmland is dedicated to conservation, the equivalent of California and New York combined.


The U.S. has sustained 332 weather and climate disasters since 1980 where overall damages/costs reached or exceeded $1 billion (including CPI adjustment to 2020). The total cost of these 332 events exceeds $2.275 trillion.

Generational change

64% of Oregon farm land will change hands in the next 20 years.

Innovation that matters

Bridging the technological gap for rural America

Historically underserved farmers and ranchers are often left behind when it comes to technology. We're here to change that.

Features 01
Connection to the land

Real-time analytics

The best decisions are made when informed with quality data. We provide real-time analytics, for your farm, your ranch, and your community.

  • Localized, real-time data
  • Monitor the health of equipment, crops, and animals
  • Responsive, informative, and perpetually learning
Features 02
Connection to the weather

Predictive analysis

Weather is a major influencer in day-to-day operations. We keep you a step ahead so you can stay informed and prepared.

  • Combined regional and local data
  • Micro-climate analysis
  • Proactive weather strategies
Features 03
Connection to your community

Bridging the urban/rural divide

Technology should be accessible to everyone. We're working to make sure that happens.

  • High-tech innovation for the heartland
  • Connection to new sources of funding
  • Community empowerment